Chrystel LebasSir Edward James Salisbury. From box 1237-1249 – Aviemore. Pinus Silverstris [illeg], plate n°1245
Chrystel LebasSir Edward James Salisbury. From box 1237-1249 – Aviemore. Betula alba v. parviflora wood Aviemore. Plate n°1243
Erich SalomonZelfportret Erich Salomon, Berlijn, ca. 1932
Chrystel LebasEdward James Salisbury. From box 1237-1249-Aviemore.
Rothiemurchus fen view. Plate n°1241
Oleg KlimovPortrait of a woman at the holy place of the Russian Orthodox church in Niahe Novgorod
Job KoelewijnZonder titel (Doorlopende Voorstelling), mei-06
Erich SalomonDirigent Bruno Walther (8 foto’s), ca. 1932
Erich SalomonPortret van Aristide Briand, ca. 1932
Hans SamsomDe Koning van Afrika – Agoli Agbo III in Bénin, 02-01-2003
Jacqueline HassinkThe meeting table of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell, 06-7-2010
Erich SalomonOntwapeningsconferentie Hotel Beau Rivage, Lausanne, 07-12-1932
Erich SalomonAristide Briand (le voilà, le roi des indiscrets), 08-1931
Joke ReyndersPhotos from the series: ‘Voilages’, 2006 #2, 08-2010
Marrigje de MaarYunnan Blauwe Klamboe, 08-26-2008
Joke ReyndersPhotos from the series: ‘Voilages’, 2006 #1, 08-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Erich SalomonHotel d’Angleterre, Genève, 10-1928
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Edward BurtynskyThe Pentimento Portfolio, 10-2010
Dayanita SinghDream Villa (Blue Forest), 11-2010
Dayanita SinghDream Villa (Blue Clouds), 11-2010
Dayanita SinghDream Villa (Red Forest), 11-2010
Jacqueline HassinkMr. Charles O. Holiday Jr., 12-8-1999
Jacqueline HassinkKaisan-do, South East Kyoto, 14-08-04
David GoldblattEllerines, Beaufort West, Western Cape in the time of AIDS, 14-04-2007
David GoldblattAt Kevin Kwanele’s Takwaito Barber Shop on Lansdowne Road, 16-05-2007
Jacqueline HassinkMr. Robert H. Benmosche, 20-04 / 19-12-2000
Jacqueline HassinkShoden-ji, North West Kyoto, 22-07-2004
Erich SalomonRechtzaak tegen Johann Hein te Coburg, 1928
Paul Nougé15. Femme dans l’escalier, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé8. La vengeance, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé14. Manteau suspendu dans le vide, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé7. Les vendanges du sommeil, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé13. Le bras révélateur, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé6. La naissance de l’objet, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
Paul Nougé12. Table aimantée, tombeau du poète, Subversion des Images, 1929–1930
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